Wednesday, March 28, 2012

C4K for March

Klaudia #5

Klaudia is a student in Class 12 in Hotspur. She is part of the first class to have a blog in their school. Her fellow classmates plan to link up with schools all over the world, as well as couple of schools very close to home.

Klaudia wrote a request to her classmates asking them to post blogs everyday. Her teacher promised a party if the class managed to write 550 blogs by Easter. She is incredibly excited about this and pledges to write up to 3 blogs a day to help reach their goal. I told her how exciting it must be to strive for something that ends in a celebration.

Melanie G.  (World Blog Challenge)

Melanie wrote a bog about The Hunger Games! I love that series. It's a huge sensation right now. She stated that her friends made her read the books and she ended up liking it. I asked her if she had read the entire series and told her to finish them if she hadn't because they are that good! Melanie likes playing softball and she enjoys partying, which I find amusing. I am excited to continue keeping up with her blogs for the next two weeks.

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